So.... as mom and dad to a kiddo that may or may not have special needs... we get to decide which way to lean. which way to go. medical treatment or no. therapy for "that" or not. does he just like ice or is he sensory seeking. did he play in his poop during sleep b/c he is sensory seeking or b/c he is almost 2. Is he staring b/c he is having seizures or does he stare into space for the same reason i stare off into space every now and then. and I'm sure anyone reading this has an opinion on each of these too.
All i'm typing really is my thoughts on details of parenting - well my parenting really. and I know this happens everywhere - mom's that think all kids need a paci. mom's that think no kid needs a paci. all the lovely opinions we hear on private vs public vs home schooling. For some reason i seem to be more sensitive to all the opinions about kyle. I don't actually care what anyone things of my decisions; I think i just am feeling the weight of the result of my decision.
I am thankful that God gave kyle to me and I get to do what I feel like is best for him. Kyle's birth has changed our lives so much more than i even expected but in such a different way than i expected.
So Kyle is starting to show signs that I think might be some real sensory seeking. I am not sure what this means or what the next steps are to take.
He is adorable and doing so well in his learning. He loves mothers day out and is really learning there. He is also about to be 2 and it mostly shows in his temper or distaste for not getting is way!
We have an EEG coming up and meeting with his Neurologist soon after. I'll try to do better about keeping posted.