Kyle's NICU Story in Pictures

Friday, November 9, 2007

Please Pray this AM - Kelly

We are on our way to the hospital. We have Kyle's brain scan today. PLEASE PRAY FERVENTLY with us today that this scan will show no bleeding - that they previous bleeding has receeded. Pray for a perfectly healthy brain that God has healed. We are begging for complete healing in his little brain.

Thank you all for your prayers. God is Good and we believe him.



Anonymous said...

It was so wonderful to finally meet this little guy I've been praying for and checking on every day! I will especially pray for you guys today! May the Lord bless you and keep you and may His face shine upon you and be gracious and give you peace....

Anonymous said...

YAY for kangaroo care and poopie diapers!! i am so excited that you have gotten to hold your precious little one. I have been sick the last several days and havent been able to check in, but my mom told me about the clot and brain bleed and we are praying for an absolute miracle where it is so evident that it is God's healing hand upon Kyle, and that His presence will minister to your hearts and minds and surround you with His peace. Also that Satan not be allowed any foothold or influence in your lives and that God be glorified in you and through you. We love you and your sweet family.

Many blessings, many prayers and much love, Adriane

Anonymous said...

John and kelly, I was sent your blog yesterday and I was truly overwhelmed and blessed by your strength and your faith. I am praying for you today and will continue to pray until your precious boy is home! I am praying specifically that his brain scan will come back clear and for healing and protection over this sweet little angel.

Love, Kim (Mayes) McDonald

Anonymous said...

Kelly and John... I am will continue to pray for Kyle's brain scan to go well until I hear the results, which will be good!! Candy Humber

Anonymous said...

fasting and praying...

Anonymous said...

John & Kelly, The folks at Morningside Baptist are praying for Kyle & your whole family. The Lord is our Strength!!

Jennifer said...

I'm praying for you and Kyle today. The anticipation of results can be so overwhelming.

Jennifer Clardy
South Carolina

Puente Family said...
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Puente Family said...

I linked to your page from a fellow blogger that is praying for you guys. I too will be praying for little Kyle. My boys were 6 weeks premature so I only have a glimpse of what your family is going through, but I know that God is good and we will continue to raise Kyle up to Him in prayer. May God bless your precious family. Stacie Puente

Click below to go to my Personal March of Dimes Page

Our Story

This story begins with 5 people. John, Kelly, Jadon, Jack, and Kyle (he is only 23 weeks old... and he is still safely tucked away in his mommy's belly) In an hour's time Kyle made his way into the world. 1 pound, 3 ounces- 11 and a half inches long. This family will never be the same. This child is a warrior. He has the spirit of a Lion, and more courage than a whole pride. He is fierce, and fearless- and he is teaching us to fear the Lord- and to believe that God is in our midst and healing even now. Join us as pray, as we praise, and as we journey through this life as lovers of God and all His glory.

Kyle is in the March of Dimes Promo!