Kyle's NICU Story in Pictures

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Saturday PM/Sunday 1 am

Today was a good day, a hard day, a frustrating day, an angry day, a happy day, a sad day,...
all in one... It is such a paradox of emotions sometimes -- at any given moment...
emotions, thoughts, and things change.

This is life now.
The new normal.

Wake up,... feel like you just went to bed.
Try your best to maximize any time at all getting things done
that have to be done,... life things,.. banking, chores, blah blah blah...
Try and spend time with the boys that is both quality and quantity...
as much as quantity will allow...
Feel the frustration of them as you begin the process of getting ready
to leave for the hospital...
That one is particularly hard on us...
arrive about 50 minutes later to the hospital...
live in the perpetual NICU roller coaster up close and personal
for not only yourselves, but also for the community of those like you.
happiness. sadness. anger. unbelief. faith. fear.

Kyle today.
Vitals pretty good. Blood gases, pretty good...
PDA valve - still open... murmer (spelling?) strong...
this is good, so far... means pda is small, but still - present
and making itself known.
Infections -- yes, I said infectionS... plural.
We are now taking 3 antibiotics...
This means there will always be a 3 day setback until we get 3 solid
days of negative blood cultures, we can't get his pik line (it is like a central line)
back in. They had to pull that because it was infected.
So, for now,.. Kyle gets stuck a lot with needles.
This really stinks for him.
Respiration: still desaturating alot. This leak is a real problem.
Despite of the fact that he has the best nurses ever, the leak is still
giving them all fits. He can go from 0% leak to 100% leak in any given day.
This, combined with the PDA makes oxygenation very difficult.
However, so far,... Kyle picks himself back up quickly.

On the positive note:
Kyle has many new girlfriends. He is already a little flirt.
He loves his nurses and so do we!
We share him with Brandi and MIsty for sure! They seem to be
very much smitten with him... Then again, so do so many others...
It is always so comforting to us to see so many of his nurses come around to
just look in on him and check to see how he is doing!
Dr. Lopez seems very hopeful for Kyle... she is so great, and His nurse practitioners
are amazing as well. We do not look forward to the rotation change. We really like
his team.
Kelly got to bathe him again tonight,... and help change his linens.
She got to change diapers today. We watched them carefully change his
tape on his tubes. Mostly, Kyle's vitals and all his numbers have been decent
from all the testing they do...

So, we continue to pray for Kyle's brain... for healing. We pray for protection
for his brain and for protection against further bleeding or PVL.
We pray for Kyle's lungs... That his respiration will get better, and he will stop
the desaturations. We pray for the RDS (respiratory distress syndrome) and BPD
(bronchial pulmonary displaysia) (I think that is what it is called)... to get better.
We pray for good growth and fast development.
We pray for his stomach that they can re-start feeds soon
and that he will digest well. We pray that God will protect Kyle from NEC.
We pray for the PDA to close itself,
and for the blood on his brain to re absorb cleanly, so not to obstruct
any spinal fluid/blood flow.
We pray that God will clear up infections and keep Kyle's cultures coming
back negative from infection so we can restart that line asap!

Thanks for praying. Thanks for encouragement.
Your comments and emails, etc are so encouraging to us.
We get home every night and read your emails, texts, and comments on the blogs.
That has become a lifeline for us over these past 3 weeks.
We can not say thank you enough.

Please pray for Kelly. She is in real need of God's assurance and peace.

blessings on you and yours --



Anonymous said...

Dear Heavenly Father,
Lord God I come to you on my knees tonight and ask special blessing on Kelly. Father she is so torn right now with her youngest little man in the hospital and having to leave her other two at home and being away from them..Keep her from having to deal with emotional things that weigh her thoughts down. I pray for this sweet lady that I have never met but somehow fell like I have known forever. I pray for my friend John...Father I know he must be stressing beyond words...Keep him in your arms and hold him extra him to continue to be strong and to be the backbone that his family needs without the fatigue that must be hanging on him...Please, Father, touch their precious little man and heal him from head to toe. Keep him free from any pain from the needles he is having to have poked in his little body. Father, just let him be completely numb to any pain...And Father, I ask you to be with little Jadon and Jack as they are so young and are having to adjust to so many changes in their little lives...Just bless this family. I thank you for all you have already done and continue to do for baby Kyle...
I love you, and it is in Jesus' name that we pray, and to whom we give all the glory and praise of life...

Love you all,
LeAnn Smith

Anonymous said...

Still praying.

In His Grip,
josh and kristi rhodes

Anonymous said...

Sweet Jesus,
I thank you for day of life 27! You are amazing and you have brought Kyle so far. We thank you for the miracle of this day. I pray that your tender mercies and loving kindness be showered upon the Sherrill family today. May your hand upon Kyle be evident and I pray your Spirit minister to the hearts and minds of John and Kelly. I beseech you Father to place you healing hands upon the tiny body of precious Kyle and cleanse him from all infection, brain bleeds, oxygen sat issues, digestion issues, and God help his body to grow, develop, and strengthen. I pray that your presence will be apparent today. That your Spirit bind with and minister to John and Kelly and I ask that you place a hedge of protection around them that nothing can penetrate. I ask for your protection on all fronts, mentally, spiritually, physically, financially, relationally, etc.

Father we are all so grateful for what you have done, what you are doing, and for what you are still going to do. I ask, believe, trust and hope for amazing, incredible, unexplainable miracles...that you make it so incredibly apparent that You are at work and your work is GOOD.

Father I also lift us Jack and Jadon to you. Please let them experience your peace and joy and I pray that they can adjust well to the changes that are going on in their little worlds. Thank you for all those who minister to them both physically as well as emotionally. They are your precious children and I just ask that you continue to hold them in your tender, merciful arms.
Be glorified, magnified and may you be exalted in and through the life of sweet Kyle.
In Jesus precious name.

I love you Sherrill family! Please let me know if there is anything at all I can do to help ease the load. Mel and I will see you tomorrow.
Much love, many prayers and many blessings, Adriane Hunter

Anonymous said...

Kelly and John,

My heart is very aware of you both today. I am overwhelmed with a desire to pray for you both. I am praying that you will be able to stregthen/support each other first.

For your little guys, I am praying Thanksgivings with 3 big teenaged boys, scarfing down bags full of groceries at each meal. Strong, bold, lion-hearted young men that are responding to God's call on their lives to serve in whatever capacity He desires. I am asking for weekends frantically juggling 3 schedules of extra-curricular activities. I am begging God for Saturday mornings with all 5 Sherrills piled up in the bed, looking crazy in their pajamas and wild hair. I am wanting busy Sunday mornings trying to get everyone ready and into the car toward church. I am asking for time for John and Kelly to minister to and celebrate each other. I am asking for normal to get closer to the old normal. Your hand is not shortened that it cannot save, nor is Your ear heavy that You cannot hear. I know that You hear our requests, please know that we want You to be glorified in all of this. Help us to trust Your hand even though we can't know what all is ahead of this precious little Kyle in his life's path. You know. You know Kyle. You know your plan. And we know. We know that You are the LORD, our God. We know Your plans are for a hope and a future. You delight in the beauty of this little boy. You have searched us and You know our hearts. Please be swift. Rescue Kyle speedily. Stregthen that little boy with Your righteous right hand. We are desperate for Your deliverence.

Anonymous said...

We love you guys so very much and are praying and sharing and waiting to see still more of the glory of God in Kyle and you guys. Sweet little warrior lion.. he has already come so very far. PRAISE GOD!!! Jesus please have victory and glory and heal him - remove the three infections, help his body to get rid of co2 and oxygenate properly, please heal his little heart, heal his little brain. Give John and Kelly peace and strength... they have made it so far. Please give them quality time with the boys, please work out the details of life, please fill them each morning and make them SO VERY AWARE of your new mercies for them everyday. We need you Father. So badly. We are so reliant. And we stand on the Rock of Ages. The author of all life. The source of all healing. The merciful Father who made us, chose us, saved us, and without whom we are nothing. Thank you Jesus for all you are - for all you've been. Please give John and Kelly hope. Thank you for the incredible staff, for the other parents and children... please shine in John and Kelly and Kyle and everyone else. Draw all of us to Yourself and take all of the glory. You are oh so good Father.

Click below to go to my Personal March of Dimes Page

Our Story

This story begins with 5 people. John, Kelly, Jadon, Jack, and Kyle (he is only 23 weeks old... and he is still safely tucked away in his mommy's belly) In an hour's time Kyle made his way into the world. 1 pound, 3 ounces- 11 and a half inches long. This family will never be the same. This child is a warrior. He has the spirit of a Lion, and more courage than a whole pride. He is fierce, and fearless- and he is teaching us to fear the Lord- and to believe that God is in our midst and healing even now. Join us as pray, as we praise, and as we journey through this life as lovers of God and all His glory.

Kyle is in the March of Dimes Promo!