Kyle's NICU Story in Pictures

Friday, November 2, 2007

Amazing God and Hard News.


Friday… I have lost track of days.

Amazing God and hard news.

So, here is one of the most amazing things that has happened so far.
Let this be encouraging to you, as it was to us.

If you read the last entry titled “Instrument” then, this is going to be amazing to you, as it was to us, and those who have read and understood the last journal entry when it comes to ananias and saul.

Ananias layed hands on Saul and prayed,… Saul was filled with the Holy Spirit and the scales fell from his eyes.

This is how I prayed for Kyle last night, as well as others… that the Holy Spirit would fill him.

This morning, before we got out the door,… our primary nurse, Brandy called.
Brandy is an amazing girl who is about to be a NP (nurse practicioner), so we are blessed to have her as Kyle’s daytime primary.

When she called, she wanted to report to us that Kyle opened his eyes and looked at her this morning! She was so excited!

It wasn’t until a little later during prayer that it hit me. God reminded me of the passage and prayer from last night.

Isn’t that amazing? I find it non-coincidental. It wasn’t a mistake.
It was an amazing word from an amazing God.

Then, when we got to the hospital today, and listened to rounds from the doctors, they pulled up Kyle’s new head sonogram… That is when an already bad situation got worse.

The level 2 IVH (Brain bleed) on the right side, had now become a level 3 brain bleed on both sides.

I couldn’t believe my ears.

I KNOW that God has spoken. I KNOW that God has encouraged me over and over and given us peace. I KNOW that God works all things together for the good for those called according to His purpose.

I know that I am to trust in the Lord, and lean not on my own understanding,
*(or the understanding of medical science) and in all my ways, acknowledge Him…
So, this is exactly what we did today.
We took a deep breath, prayed a lot, and have committed ourselves to wait on the Lord.

We have another head sonogram next week to determine if it is worse, or what sort of long term affect it could have.

Our faith is not shaken.
Our Hope is in God alone.
Our strength comes from massive prayer and trust.
Our God is amazing, and no matter what, I will continue to hold that as true.

Is God NOT answering our prayers?

Is God answering our prayers the way we want?
I am not sure yet.

I know that all I am suppose to do right now is believe and rest in Him.

I am praying for God to clean up the blood in Kyle’s head.
I am praying for it to recede and to be absorbed back into his body.
I am praying for no long term side affects.

I feel like I know the picture God has given me,… I just am not seeing
How we get there.

So, friends, be encouraged. God has a lot of room to work.
We did pray for God to explode the box we put Him in.
We did pray for Kyle to baffle medical science and for him to glorify God in a powerful way.

I deeply grieve for my little one who is struggling, but somehow, I know…
It’s gonna be worth it.

Much love to you.

Please, don’t lose faith. Keep praying for Kyle.

Spread the word. He is one extraordinary little guy.


Anonymous said...

Hey little love bug, baby Kyle...I am going to write to you tonight...I am praying for our GREAT BIG, AWESOME, WONDERFUL, LOVING GOD... To touch your precious little body...and heal you COMPLETELY. I know you are a trooper and you are enduring all of the poking and proding they are doing to you as well as you can, but it is all going to be worth it when they tell your mommy and daddy that you are ready to go home and join your family...You have two big brothers that are gonna love all over you, then when you get big enough, rough you up and play long hours with you.
Our prayer for you little guy is for you to hurry and get bigger and better. Your mom and dad are, (I'm sure) very eager to hold you in their arms and kiss you all over...
I am not related to you by blood, or even by marriage, but I AM YOUR BIG SISTER IN CHRIST AND I LOVE YOU.
I pray for you several times a day and you are constantly in my thoughts...
Keep opening those little baby eyes and looking around...keep those doctors and nurses on their toes.
I am looking forward to hearing all that good news myself.
GOD bless you sweetie,
LeAnn Smith

Anonymous said...

John and Kelly,

I am encouraged by your posting. I was so broken yesterday in my prayers for you, Kelly, Jadon, Jack and Kyle. Everything that our little boys did yesterday caused my to pray in earnest for each of your little guys.

Yesterday, I couldn't move past the prayer that you would all be encouraged and know that this WILL result in good according to God's great riches for all of us. My prayer has consistently been that you would be shown the good (at least a glimpse of it) quickly. This good work that God is doing MUST be incredible, remarkable, exceedingly abundantly more than we can think or imagine, because this price seems so very high.

You both posted that this 'will be worth it'. This confirms to me that God is answering my prayer to guard your hearts and keep your faith and trust in Him. I have been desperately praying that God's peace will continue to pass all understanding and that (most of all) it will guard your hearts and minds for Christ (Phil 4:7).

Again, know that I am praying for Jadon and Jack throughout the day. Since our Joseph and Gideon are the same ages, I am committing to pray for each of your guys (including Kyle) as if my own were in their place.

We love you...We ARE praying.
Colleen (and Larry) Daigle

Anonymous said...

Dear John & Kelly,

Amy Payne (Busti) here. I read a parable this morning that seemed very applicable to this situation. It is in Luke 18:1-8. Verse 1 says, "Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should ALWAYS PRAY AND NOT GIVE UP." I think that is just what is happening on behalf of Kyle!

The parable goes like this- a widow wanted justice in a situation and she went to the ungodly judge over and over and over seeking justice, and finally the judge ruled in her favor because he got tired of her coming to him over and over.

Verse 7 really touched me. "And will not God bring about justice for His chosen ones, WHO CRY OUT TO HIM DAY AND NIGHT? Will He keep putting them off?"

We will continue to pray, day and night, always, for sweet Kyle.

I had a mom's gathering at my home last night and I had already sent the info about Kyle out to these moms. We all prayed for him. We will continue to pray.

I have passed along the info to my mother in law who has taken it to her team of "Life Intercessors" who pray for these very situations, as well as for an end to abortion. She was very encouraging about the miracles their group had seen over the last several years, one of whom was a little girl who weighed only 12 ounces at birth and was only 8 inches long. My mother in law now sees her running around at church every week. This team of intercessors is praying for Kyle.

My sister in law has made sure that your web page and story has made it to most of the Christian home schooling community in San Antonio. They are praying, as well.

The word continues to spread and more and more prayers go up on behalf of Kyle. We are always praying. We will not give up!

Love and prayers to your sweet family!

Amy Payne (Busti)

Anonymous said...

JOhn and Kelly -
Praise God! THat is what we have do during this time. We praise Him for Kyle's Strength. You guys are amazing through Christ Jesus' Strength he is generously giving you. Lately m yheart has been heavy. WHen I can't stop thinking about you guys I pray - God is so awesome He has been putting songs on the radio for me to hear that incourages me. I have asked "why?" so many times - I can only imagine. But hten I think back on the things GOd has been teaching me in our struggles since July and that God is Sovereign - that everything is to be about Him and His glory, period. So many times we, I, get away from that. God has been putting us on our knees lately, a lot! We are here for you guys. It's amazing that sometimes God gives us strength through other people. You guys have done so much and mean so much to us, please let us know where we can help.
Love in Christ's lOve -
Jon, Jenn, and Zacary

Anonymous said...

Dear Sherrill family-
I don’t know you personally but we are apart of your FOHC family so we have several mutual friends here in Huntsvegas. I am sorry that I am just now writing. Your son Kyle has been consuming my thoughts since day one. He is truly bringing glory to our LORD because I am truly praying without ceasing. He has increased my faith as I continually meet with Him in prayer. I love the latest story of Kyle opening his little eyes after all of John’s precious prayers the night before. I can only imagine the amazement and look on that nurse’s face as she looked down and saw his little eyes looking up. Kelly, I know as a mother it was a great day to be able to look Kyle in the eyes. How precious!!! John, what an encouragement to continue to lead your family in prayer. I WILL continue to pray!!
Trusting in Christ’s truth,
Sarah Krum

Tabaitha said...

Kyle, you are a miracle. You have made it this far and it shows how strong you are. Your body might seem weak to the earthly eye, but to God you are a fighter. Your little eyes looked around and saw what you are fighting for.

Anonymous said...

John and Kelly,

I just wanted you to know that I am diligently praying for you guys. As I read each of your posts, I am rejoicing with those wonderful times of good news, and my heart is also breaking for those times when the news is not exactly what we would want to hear. I can't even begin to imagine what you must be feeling and going through each day - thinking about the limited time you have to spend with sweeet baby Kyle and how hard it must be to be away from Jadon and Jack seems an unbearable situation.

But, I know that God is doing great things and He will be the victor! I am praying for the bleeding in Kyle's brain to stop, for any infection to be taken out of his body, for the vavle in his heart to close, for his skin to heal and strengthen, for his eyes to see the faces of his wonderful, loving mommy and daddy, for his kidneys to fully function as they should, for his digestive system to work as it should...for his body to heal from the inside out so he can grow and get stronger to be at home with his family. I'm praying for you guys to have the courage, strength (whatever it takes) to get through this most difficult time. And just as importantly, I'm praying for Jadon and Jack to have a peace about them to know that mommy and daddy love them very, very much, even though everything in their world is so different than it was from just a few short days ago. I'm praying more than I've prayed in a long time for so many things, and I truly believe God is using Kyle to renew and strengthen faith in so many people, just like myself.

Love to you and your three beautiful boys!
Nikki (Jones) Martin

Wes said...

John and Kelly,
I love you guy's hearts of faith...I don't know how I would respond if I were your positions, but I pray it would be just like you two. When I see faith like yours I think of Heb. 11. He goes through listing the heroes of faith and why they were, then says ALL these people received God's approval Because of their faith. He said a bit earlier that God rewards those who diligently seek him in faith...that is you two.
I was praying for Kyle's little brain and that the blood would retreat, and it got me to thinking of the significance of the blood. God says in Lev. that the very life of all creatures is in the blood. Kyle's little heart is just bubbling with life! It is sending it to every corner of his body, It don't know where to stop! I know there are places where blood is just not suppose to be. Your lungs, your stomach, and your brain are some of them. Another is outside the body! Like the women with the issue of blood. She said, "If I could just touch the hem of his garment, I WILL be healed." Faith, Like yalls! Most importantly their is Jesus's blood! Because of it Kyle is made healthy and whole and we can wrap little Kyle in a Garment of Praise and lift him to the Father. It says God inhabits the praises of his People (like you two). So where is that putting God? Right in a little incubator shaped like an Ark.
With that all said we just pray that there will be no damage from the abundant life that floods Kyle's Brain.
We are standing in faith with your family. Love and Peace to you and yours.

Anonymous said...

I love this post. I love that he opened his little eyes. It is like the Lord is giving you just enough hope each day to survive all that day will bring.

Don't you know he senses all of the prayers and love sent towards him? Don't you know he peeked just to see the people who love him so much!

We've had a tough week here in Dallas - and my heart has been so very heavy. But I am like you guys - I am just choosing to not let the fear and discouragement overwhelm. I just want the Lord to fill us with faith despite all. He is the source of all good things. And I just pray that he would be our source.

I love you guys. And continue to pray. People in my life are reading the blog and so very touched. I was having lunch with a friend who has been battling in prayer for you - and she told me that she can't read your blog at work - because she becomes a blubbering mess. She said that your faith, your descriptions, your hearts and honestly - those things overwhelm her. She has a friend with a little miracle baby boy - and she remembers it well... the incredible focus and narrowing that has to happen when you are in the situation you are in. The world very quickly narrows to that hospital room and your home. And she told me that she is so amazed at the ministry you guys are doing in that time, in that narrowing, through this blog. Again, how like our Lord, to take the therapeutic dumping of information that happens in this blog, and turn it into ministry to people you don't even know all over the country.

The Lord is certainly mighty at work in you, through you, and for you my friends.

Love you all. PRaying for Kyle's little brain and little body to miraculously heal and develop... for us to see the glory of the Lord.

Click below to go to my Personal March of Dimes Page

Our Story

This story begins with 5 people. John, Kelly, Jadon, Jack, and Kyle (he is only 23 weeks old... and he is still safely tucked away in his mommy's belly) In an hour's time Kyle made his way into the world. 1 pound, 3 ounces- 11 and a half inches long. This family will never be the same. This child is a warrior. He has the spirit of a Lion, and more courage than a whole pride. He is fierce, and fearless- and he is teaching us to fear the Lord- and to believe that God is in our midst and healing even now. Join us as pray, as we praise, and as we journey through this life as lovers of God and all His glory.

Kyle is in the March of Dimes Promo!