Kyle's NICU Story in Pictures

Friday, November 16, 2007

Day of Life 25 - Kelly

this is how the rounds start each morning... makes it easy to keep track of the days I guess. you know - yesterday was such a good day. Today was so rough. Kyle is having some struggles - and Kyle is doing well! I know that seems like a contradiction but not in the NICU ... not really! He can be doing good in some areas and rough in others.

Please keep praying! Even thought today was rough, he has his favorite nurses these days and they really make all the difference in the world. They are the reason we can go home at night, or eat lunch during the day! They are kind and gentle and unbelievably brilliant. Even more they are gifted by God (each one of them - it is amazing!). all of this includes his team of NPs and doctors too. It really amazes and humbles me that not only they are so gifted but yet they give every ounce of that to MY son. They use all of their experience, effort and energy to save MY son. It stirs a new measure of gratefulness in me.

Today was tough for me - realizing some fears and facing some deep guilt and regret. I know in my head these are from the enemy and I know in my head these are not truth. and one thing I have learned this past year is that when we begin acting in reality on lies from the enemy we get disaster. So one more day - I survive "but by the grace of God". My husband is my rock, my stability, the Holy Spirit is ministering to me through him. He pours out love and comfort, hope and strength. Strange thing is I have to let him - I have to cling to the grace of God so that I can be ministered to. who ministers to him? Please keep praying for our family, for sweet jadon and jack, for me and for john... and for kyle - for complete restoration.

Thank you again! & for those of you that are with us - thank you for understanding our good days and bad, our hurt and our joy. tonight was just a hurt for me but the Lord promises that joy comes in the morning!

until then goodnight.


LeAnn Smith said...

Sweet, sweet Sherrill family...
My the peace that passes ALL Understanding, be in all of you tonight...May you all have perfect peace and rest as you lay your heads down to try to rest...

Father God, Thank you for EVERYTHING you are doing on a second to second basis with this precious gift you have allowed John and Kelly to raise for you...Thank you for your perfect healing touch on and in baby Kyle and for restoring his tiny little body to perfect health. Thank you for being a GOD that we can come to and KNOW that YOU are there...
Continue to bless each member of this family and every person who comes in contact with them, and let them see JESUS in everything that we all say and do...I love you so much...
In JESUS' precious name I pray,

LeAnn Smith

Anonymous said...

Good day to you both,

I stand in awe watching the Lord work along this journey He has chosen to take you on. I am also amazed and inspired by the faith that you both have. I pray every day for you both and for Jack and Jadon. I pray for the caregivers who are taking care of your boys and all the day to day things that seem to keep happening! Even though your lives have seemed to stop temporarily, life goes on.

John and Kelly, I pray that the people around you and anyone who knows about Kyle won't get so busy with their life that they forget to pray for Kyle's healing. I pray every time they hear a song or read scripture or look at their own children or grandchildren that they will think about Kyle and lift him up in prayer!

Still praying, still believing and still EXPECTING great healing. Thank you Lord!!!

Candy Humber

Jennifer said...

Hi Kelly. I'm praying for you - especially during these rough days. There's no magic answer to ending the pain you are dealing with...our Lord and time will heal Kyle and you.

Take care,
Jennifer Clardy

Paige Hollingsworth said...

Sherrill family,
I'll say what my husband told me numerous time during my fight against cancer when he saw me in a 'moment'. He would say, 'We can do this'. He knew the basics...'I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me'. John & Kelly, never forget that NOTHING and I repeat NOTHING happens in our lives that isn't either caused by God or allowed by God. To unbelievers that sounds harsh. To believers it sounds reassuring. God has a plan in all this that you are in the midst of right at this moment. It's easy during our Christians lives to say to others 'Just trust Jesus'. Then one day we're hit with something and God says, 'Do you trust me John? Do you trust me Kelly?' This is the learning grounds for true trust in God. Ultimately the focus will be how He was glorified in all this. I wait with eager anticipation to see it unfold...
Love, love and more love,
Paige Hollingsworth

Paige Hollingsworth said...

Sherrill family,
I'll say what my husband told me numerous time during my fight against cancer when he saw me in a 'moment'. He would say, 'We can do this'. He knew the basics...'I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me'. John & Kelly, never forget that NOTHING and I repeat NOTHING happens in our lives that isn't either caused by God or allowed by God. To unbelievers that sounds harsh. To believers it sounds reassuring. God has a plan in all this that you are in the midst of right at this moment. It's easy during our Christians lives to say to others 'Just trust Jesus'. Then one day we're hit with something and God says, 'Do you trust me John? Do you trust me Kelly?' This is the learning grounds for true trust in God. Ultimately the focus will be how He was glorified in all this. I wait with eager anticipation to see it unfold...
Love, love and more love,
Paige Hollingsworth

Click below to go to my Personal March of Dimes Page

Our Story

This story begins with 5 people. John, Kelly, Jadon, Jack, and Kyle (he is only 23 weeks old... and he is still safely tucked away in his mommy's belly) In an hour's time Kyle made his way into the world. 1 pound, 3 ounces- 11 and a half inches long. This family will never be the same. This child is a warrior. He has the spirit of a Lion, and more courage than a whole pride. He is fierce, and fearless- and he is teaching us to fear the Lord- and to believe that God is in our midst and healing even now. Join us as pray, as we praise, and as we journey through this life as lovers of God and all His glory.

Kyle is in the March of Dimes Promo!